The first one "Bens or Chucks?" was behind Bennigans near Chucky Cheeses. This was a fun one to find, I needed to lift JT up to reach it. It was pretty rusty, but we took a couple of things and left a couple and signed the log.
The next stop for lunch brought us to "I'm looking over..." Fortunately JT was there because he had to get down on the ground on his belly to get it. He was pretty excited since it was his first find on his own. We found some cool stuff and left the trackable Geocoin we found yesterday.
After having a bunch of fun at Adventure Landing, we were heading to visit my sister when I remembered there was one near a cemetary I played at as a kid that was supposed to be fairly easy. So we swung by their on the way and after just a few short minutes, I found the cache "5082". I took the Believer's Pin, a Butterfly & Rainbow pin (perfect to wear for Emmaus), and JT signed the log and left some of his treasures he had just won at Adventure Landing. I think he put in a pirate ring, fake fly, chinese finger cuff, silver cross and an Energy drink mix.
Judging from the fun he and I had today, I think we're going to become addicted to this! Tim had never heard of Geocaching until I started this week. Hopefully he'll be able to join us for his first time sometime this weekend. I think he's going to enjoy it as much as we are.
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